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Video Concept


• Video length approx 2 minutes15 seconds.

• Colour theme and feel to follow consistency of branding.

• Soundtrack to be included to enhance the corporate feel of the video.

• Typography, motion backgrounds and graphics to also be included in this project.

• Filming to take place in 2 locations.

• Piece to camera and location footage to be the main elements of this project.

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Visionary Consultancy Promotional Video

With You tube being the second largest search engine to Google, and the power of advertising through Social Media, a brand new, full HD video promo for web and social media for Visionary Consultancy will undoubtedly create a fresh awareness of the business, distinctly improve their professional look, and greatly increase the probability of new business.

Screen Shot 2

Liz was a true professional

It was pretty obvious from the moment we met Liz that she was extremely passionate about Visionary Consultancy and what it stands for.

Spending time with a client and getting to know more about the business before a shoot is vital. It's an integral part of the process, and a major factor in deciding on shoot locations, lighting, soundtrack choice etc.

For a videographer, Liz was a dream to work with. She was well prepared and knew exactly what she wanted to convey in her dialogue.

As there were going to be a certain amount of moving graphic elements to the video, we decided to keep the backdrop for Liz simple and clinical using only lighting for effect which gave it the corporate look Liz wanted to achieve.

The tension between the simple and the more complex visuals works well and keeps the senses engaged.

We had a great time with Liz. The training session she was leading on the day of the shoot was a real lesson in progress, not a studio set up. This brings a real authenticity to the video. Each candidate had signed a disclaimer allowing filming and photography to take place.

It was a lot of fun. Lots of coffee dunk, sweets eaten and a video created Liz is very proud of!

The Video...

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